"Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth." (Greek: δῶς μοι πᾶ στῶ καὶ τὰν γᾶν κινάσω)
Let's take this scenario: you get hired by a seemingly good company, you get an apparently good job and you are very enthusistic about it. Slowly but surely the job becomes a demotivating and boring routine (pleonasm maybe, but I want to make it clear), and your enthusiasm drops. Sounds familiar ?
Think about it: we are all different, each of us has a special talent, some desires, some ideals. Wouldn't it be good to get a job in line with those ? A typical IT company employs people of different ages, backgrounds, nationalities, etc. Each of them is unique and can bring unique added value to the organization by employing her/his own, unique skills.
To me the ideal IT company shouldn't hire people to work on a given range of products. It should be the other way around: the products of the company should be tailored to the employees' desires, talents, affinities. Motivate the employees and surely you'll have a win-win situation. As a company you have to create products and services that your employees love to build/develop/provide. Give them motivation and they will move the Earth.
I have yet to find such a company. Maybe it hasn't been invented yet, but if you know of any which gets close to my dream, please let me know.