Sunday, November 21, 2010

Debugging Java PetStore with Glassfish and Eclipse

Once I made PetStore work in Glassfish, I wanted to debug it in Eclipse.

1. I ran asadmin in my application server path:
C:\J2EE\Sun\AppServer\bin>asadmin start-domain

2. In the browser, I ran the application server Admin Console, available in my case at localhost:4848

3. I went to Application Server menu (top left), I chose JVM Settings and I enabled Debug

4. I restarted the Application Server (after enabling Debug and saving this configuration, I noticed the link "Restart needed" top left; I clicked on it, after that I ran asadmin start-domain from the console)

5. I also ran asadmin start-database to start the database for PetStore

6. I started Eclipse (I use version 3.4.1); under Run menu, I chose "Debug configurations ...."; then I chose the PetStore project (which I had created previously in Eclipse) and port 9009 (the default port where Glassfish is listening for debuggers); I also enabled "Allow termination of remote VM"

7. Just for the test, I put a breakpoint in, method service; then I started the debug configuration created at bullet 6; finally, I navigated in a browser to
and I clicked a dog under Pets; I could see my breakpoint being hit.